Air Transat flight attendants reach a tentative agreement
7 juin 2016
Montreal, June 7, 2016 – Yesterday, the Air Transat flight attendants’ union reached a tentative agreement with the employer to renew the collective agreement of its approximately 1750 members. In the coming weeks the agreement will be presented to the members during a round of general assemblies and submitted to their vote. The Air Transat Component of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which represents the flight attendants, will not comment on the contents of the agreement until the consultation process is completed.
The flight attendants’ last contract expired on October 31, 2015, and the negotiating process began beforehand, in September. Last March, with negotiations deadlocked, the union requested the assistance of a federal conciliator. Yesterday’s agreement came out of that conciliation process.
« We would not have reached this tentative agreement without our members’ wave of support. We look forward to visiting them at each of our local bases to thank them in person and provide them with the details of a tentative agreement with many improvements and fair compensation for our continued cooperation towards mutual prosperity, » said Martyn Smith, president of the Air Transat Component of CUPE.
Air Transat cabin personnel come under CUPE locals 4041 in Montreal, 4047 in Toronto and 4078 in Vancouver. These local unions are part of a national structure, the Air Transat Component of CUPE.
CUPE is Canada’s largest union with over 635,000 members across the country. Its airline division represents approximately 10,000 members in seven airlines: Air Canada (including the low-cost carrier rouge), Air Transat, Sunwing, Cathay Pacific, Calm Air, First Air and Canadian North.